Help Us
As a cemetery, we are not run or funded by government or a council. Ballarat General Cemeteries Trust relies on funds that we raise ourselves, and all of it is devoted to maintain and enhance our cemeteries: we don’t make a profit.
Keeping the history and beauty of Ballarat General Cemeteries alive requires a strong community effort, and you can play a part.
Legacies and donations
When it comes to providing a place to remember, and be remembered, our local community wants and deserves the very best. A bequest is a very effective way of making a gift to Ballarat General Cemeteries and any contribution, large or small, helps ensure the preservation of history and nurturing of our beautiful, distinctive environments.
Community Advisory Committee
In everything we do, Ballarat General Cemeteries Trust aims to provide services and products that are responsive to the needs of our community. Our Community Advisory Committee (CAC) was established in 2011 to lead our efforts to increase community involvement in our organisation.
If you are interested in joining the CAC, please contact the cemetery on 5332 1469 or email the CAC at enquiries@ballaratcemeteries.com.au
The CAC has an important role in advocating to our Trust on behalf of stakeholders regarding Trust operations, planning and policy development.
It consists of up to eight committee members, plus two representatives of the Ballarat General Cemeteries Trust. Meetings are held quarterly and membership appointments are for three years.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of strong, civic-minded communities. Not only do they have enormous social value, but volunteers often live happier, healthier lives. So, if you’ve got an interest in our cemeteries – whether it’s in service delivery, our history, botanics or any other aspect of planning and policy development – we’d love to hear from you. Please phone 03 5332 1469 to discuss getting involved.