Ellen Lister (Holder) came to Ballarat via Geelong with her family from Gundagai.

Ellen Holder came to Ballarat via Geelong with her family from Gundagai. Ellen’s husband, Andrew Lister, was a Ship’s Carpenter who had jumped ship in the USA to join the gold rush of 1849. Apparently he almost died from typhoid, so gave gold mining away and went back to sea, only to be gripped by gold fever again when the ship he was working on arrived in Australia. He again jumped ship and made his way to the Ballarat diggings where he claimed he met and married Ellen Holding.
It is claimed by his daughter, that Andrew fought alongside Peter Lalor during the battle. Given the assumption Ellen Lister was married to a very lively and politically active Andrew Lister, it can be implied that Ellen’s activities and interests mirrored those of her husband and that she formed part of the invisible army of Eureka women. Andrew’s daughter also claims that he father witnessed the burning of Bentley’s Hotel. They all lived in tents for some considerable time in and around Ballarat in the early fifties. Andrew later worked as a miner at Mount Clear where he died in March 1899.
Ellen Lister is buried with her husband Andrew at the Ballarat New Cemetery, Wesleyan D, Section 3/4, Grave 44.