Policies & Ground Rules
Ballarat General Cemeteries Trust is authorised by the Cemetery and Crematorium Regulations 2005 to maintain a high standard of presentation and safety within its grounds.
Flowers and Ornaments
The Ballaarat General Cemeteries Trust allows both fresh and artificial flowers to be placed on the grave Unauthorised placement of ornaments, vases and flowers provide a potential safety hazard to employees/contractors required to maintain, mow and trim lawn areas.
- only cemetery provided vases are to be used;
- glass, plastic, ceramic etc. vases and containers are not permitted and will be removed for safety reasons;
- dead and stray flowers are removed as required by cemetery employees/contractors prior to lawn mowing;
- other items including other ornaments, beverage containers, or embellishments in disrepair will be removed;
- no ornaments of any kind are to be placed on any lawn area.
- All glass, and other potentially dangerous items, will be removed to maintain employee and community safety.
Visitors are permitted to walk dogs on the grounds of the cemeteries, they are kept under control at all times. Dogs must not drink from our water features, or bother any other person in the cemetery. Visitors are responsible for disposing of dog excrement, and may collect tidy bags at various points around the cemeteries.